Sunday, November 9, 2008

What the Obama Victory means to me.....

Now most of you who know me know that I am not a huge Obama fan from the beginning of the campaign I supported Hillary and I still think she would have done a good job. Dont get me wrong I dont hate Obama or anything like that I was definitely hoping he would beat McCain I just prefered Hillary to him. I think part of my original dislike for Obama came from what the republicans tried to exploit as the messiah complex. It did seem like the media and people alot of people actually believed Obama to be a politician like no other a MLK figure of sorts. He got more people than ever before to attend his rallies, people who never cared about politics before became interested because of him and people went as far as crying during his speeches. Its as if they were hearing a completely different person than I was. When I hear Obama speak im impressed by his abilities but they are far from bringing me to tears, hes a good public speaker but its not like I havent heard his type of rhetoric from other politicians before. Despiter this I have to admit during his acceptance speech I too drank the cool-aid lol, its that speech and that moment which allowed me to see him in a different way, I dont think hes the messiah as some people believe but I now understand the historic implications of his presidency. So what does his victory mean to me? Ironically it means the same thing to me as it does to many people though perhaps for different reasons. Im not black and I dont care that he is, that doesnt matter to me while I like anyone else can be taken a back by a historic moment ,the next day I awake to reality. Whats important to me about Obama's victory is that hes a democrat and that he believes in democratic values. What matters to me is that for the 1st time in eight years we will have a democrat in the white house ,we will no longer be under the tyranny of the republican party, what matters to me is that things can finally be different, and not just different a better different at that. So what does the Obama Victory mean to me? it gives me hope for tommorow...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer school is over let the fall begin!

Wow what a summer! i mean it wasnt the best summer ever but it was enjoyable and for the most part im glad about the experiences I encountered. As far as summer college classes go this year had to be the best! 1st session was amazing my acting class with Proffessor Auguztiny was awesome the people in there were really cool and I got along with them really well. It was the kind of class where you have to talk to other people, you worked with them in skits and I really liked that. Proffesor Arias history of religion class was mindblowing for me! It didnt change my mind about being Catholic but it allowed me to learn alot about other religions as well as my own. This class wasnt about what the religion is but how it started and I think thats important. It was one of the best college classes Ive had so far. 2nd session was not as exiciting and I didnt earn as many friends or "acquaintainces" lol the truth is the class which was biology was very very boring and for the 1st couple couple weeks I didnt think I would make it but eventually I found something. Now I'm glad its over!
Spending the summer at ELAC was overall a good experience its exactly what I needed. I feel energized and ready to begin the fall

PS: Just because the summer is over doesnt mean we have to become strangers or only online friends I realize that thats usually what happens but I had a great time this summer, I enjoyed meeting all of you and I seriously hope that this isnt it!

Thalia: for being my friend through both sessions and most importantly thanks for bringing the pack of cards everyday without them I would have died of boredom 2nd session

Lynn: for walking with me to the car and for making sex jokes, the best conversations I had in the summer were with you, I felt like id known you for a long time, we were really in sinc.....

Ana: for the long phone conversations we had, you've made me rethink wether I am a phone person or not, im beggining to think that I am! lol

Isabella: for staying in touch, seriously I think ive talked to you more on myspace and facebook then I ever did in class, but im happy to have you as a friend

Theresa: for taking me to six flags, but most importantly thanks for taking that fall on your bike with a smile on your face, for dropping that tea, and for drooling and pretending like nobody saw you! lol Like i said im going to miss that, just wish that I didnt have too.

Ok so ive written alot and I could write even more but Im lazy so ill stop here but i also want to thank the following people...
The older Ana

Monday, July 14, 2008

Love the word..

It scares me,
Thats the truth you know, I keep wondering why some girls have to go and screw everything up by popping that word out, Love or any other form of it, lover, loving, etc...
The second you use that word on me i will run for the hills, lol no but serious, i guess i dont want to be tied down, i dont want to have to worry about calling you, or texting you, I dont want to have to buy gifts on christmas or actually celebrate Valentines day, i dont want to meet your parents and I dont want you to meet mine. I know I know you're probably thinking but you always wine on myspace and facebook about love, and loving. But thats because im talking about specific people perhaps the right person, the number of people that i would be willing to do all the things I dont really want to, but know theyll be better because of her, i can count those girls on my hand and they dont come by everyday, I recently met one and I went for it, but she wasnt buying what I was selling, and well it was dissapoiting thats what i was whining about, I mean had she used the word love on the first date i wouldnt have mind it. So unless youre that girl dont tell me you love me, dont call me love, or lover, for a while at least, or you'll scare me and I'll run.....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The two things that are bothering me right now!

In life there are problems that you cannot escape there are mistakes that you have to fix to feel comfortable you know.. and well there are two things that come up every couple days, or everytime I watch a show or movie, everytime I hear a song...etc

Of course like any problem that guys have, its about a girl two girls actually.

The first is the oldest and perhaps the greater problem but it is also the one I can probably do less about. Its hard to explain but this goes back to HS, id rather not give a summary of what it is but if you read this youll know and I have a warning for you my friend

I like you, you're cool I like hanging around you, I like being your friend but you made a huge mistake, you took something that I cared about deeply and you've ruined it forever! I will not be comfortable, I will not feel satisfied until I have hurt you, not physically but emotionally. You wont know when its coming but ONE DAY it will hit you, and you will know what I know, you will feel what I feel, you will hurt as I hurt. And maybe then you;ll realize what Im going thru. Only then will i enjoy your friendship as I did before...

Ok enough of that im not the kind of person to threatened anyone but I had to put that somewhere, shit thats pretty nice of me, now theres a chance that you may know this will hit you!

Problem #2
I dont know how I feel about this anymore, I mean I had good intentions and good feelings for this person but i havent seen her since school was out and I honestly dont think shes going to be in my life anymore not because Im going to go out of my way to avoid her but because I reached out to her I put my heart on the line and she pushed me away. I feel like were so similar and were looking for the same thing but shes overlooked me and theres nothing I can do!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why write a blog?

I realize the irony that I'm writing a blog about writing a blog but thats just the kind of person I am. The truth is the summer is coming up and ill have a lot of free time, I dont want to go crazy so I need to write things somewhere and while i'll post most of my blogs on myspace and facebook as well, I think there needs to be a place completely dedicated to my thoughts. So here it is!
I've decided to entitle my blog page "The Chapter in my life entitled" because well to be honest its a rip of a song by the "Lucksmiths, titled "The Chapter in your life entitled San Francisco" awesome song btw so check it out. Other than that though, the ive titled this blog as such because I believe that life is like a book and yes theres a lot of chapters!

So thanks for visiting, any questions please ask.